No. 7 By Jackson Pollock
This piece really interests me and I would say has to be my favorite of his besides"Lavender Mist". What I really noticed or stood out to me about Jackson Pollock's work is his chaotic pieces of paint splashed everywhere. His works are very random and literally all over the place In "No.7" it reminds me of something very upbeat and lively such as Jazz. The black lines merge together and it creates a sort of jazz feel. Looking very hard at the painting, It seems to me the black lines create musical notes. The color scheme is very warm in this painting. I almost would say "Swing Dance" would be a more appropriate title than No. 7.
Jackson Pollock uses a very simple technique in splashing paint upon the canvas to create his works. I like the confusion of how paint is everywhere and you're still able to see how the shades of orange red and tan mesh with the black.
I love your comparison of Pollock's work to jazz, actually he was influenced by jazz and its spontaneity and I like that you saw the black lines as dancing. This is something he actually would have had to do to get these lines- dance around the canvas. What music do you think he listened to while working?