Andrew Warhola was born in August 6, 1928 and passed away February 22, 1987. He was known as Andy Warhol, was an American painter, printmaker, and filmmaker who lead the movement in pop art. Over hyped and over appreciated is a term that may offend some and not others. Andy Warhol practiced with a form of media that I personally like. Silk Screen combines complexity of design, layers, and precision. His overall look is not really much to gawk at for me. I give credit where it is due the artwork below is my favorite of his so far. Yet Andy and I have different views when it comes to artistic vision. His portrayal of reproduction would not spark my attention when it comes to his pop art of celebrity figures. Eight Elvises is a 1963 silkscreen of Elvis Presley that Andy created on November 26, 2009. An Italian collector paid $100 million for this piece of work. Andy has one piece of work that caught my eye "Guns" which is shown above, which he made after he was shot and seriously wounded by a feminist. His art was famous and inspiring to many, but I see things slightly different and if you are a fan of his work and are offended I apologize.
Well, I love the fact that you are getting critical of Warhol's work and even talking about his silkcreen process. But, I am not sure what it is that your critical of. Is it his subject matter, the overall look (and what specifically about it is problematic?) Don't be afraid to get personal and critical, that's what the posts are for (it also makes them fun to read) Keep it up!