As soon as you walk in the Menil Art Museum there is a woman who greets you to the left but straight ahead as you enter there is a piece of art so you don't have to search for one, also as you enter there is a piece of art to your immediate left but those didn't interest me except for the one piece of art that you see as you walk into the building with four shapes. The name of the piece is called "Forged Drawing" by Richard Serra in which the artist depicts a stop sign (a octagon), square, rectangel and a circle. The building is huge and long with large rooms all dedicated to specific types of art from modern to greek and african art. The african art got me thinking of my heritage since my father is from Sierra Leon SW Africa I seen a 700 bc piece of art of a Mali Inland Niger Delta woman holding a child and an african Gazel head mask just like what we see in class and wooden figurins. The Menil builidng captured alot of photos in their photo gallery of inspirational essenses in time such as martin luther king and civil rights activisim with teens in the late 1960s in Atlanta Georgia. There was a great piece of Assemble by Robert Rauschenberg called "Niagra Summer Glut" 1987, materials used were metal parts but the materials look like roof gutters from a house or building they were huge. "Seasons" with four oil and wax canvases one being beige, green, gray and navy blue not that intriging but its art. David novros's piece called "6:30" used acrylic on canvas on six wood panels based on where ou are standing the sun relects and changes the art works color from left to right by shifting the colors from left to right. And last but not least is an artist by the name of Jasper Johns, he is mentioned several times in our "Aworld of ART" text book, he has a piece that is similar to his 1958-1959 Encaustic and collage on canvas piece called "Numbers in Color" called (drumroll please) "Alphabets in color" but another piece of art that he did got me to see his symbolism and medium or meaning behind the piece. Jasper Johns uses an oil canvas, wood string, wire with a fork and spoon. The piece is called "Voice" with the word voice almost being wiped away with the wire attached to the sponge almost wiping away the word voice and also being attached to the fork and spoon. To me it is like the artist is saying closed mouths don't get fed take a look at the piece and see if it comes to you like that.