"Guernica," 1937 |
Pablo Picasso's work has been an interest of mine since I began to paint. His work is an expression on how his mind sees things. In other words, each line that is painted on the canvas has its purpose. The painting to the left, titled "Guernica," is one of my favorite and one of the most famous of Picasso's works. At first glance, one can only try to see the significance in this piece. There are figures screaming with pain. The re faces simple, though with great meaning. Random limbs lay about. His use of straight jagged lines and use of only black and white add to the pain projected from the piece. This painting, like most of his other works, is his depiction of a real life event. "Guernica" is Picasso's interpretation of the bombing of the city of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War.
I love that you chose a specific work by Picasso to respond to. You talked about how the formal elements (line, color) add meaning and emotion to the work. You could even go further and talk about specific images (the bull, he light, the woman) and what if any symbolic meaning they might have. Do be afraid to make guesses, art is subjective!