Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Shock! Horror!

After watching the videos, I must admit although the art displayed was very disturbing and graphic (to me) in certain instances, I still believe it has artisitic and creative elements to it. From the blood and guy chopping off fingers to nudity, It is all considered art in the same form as horror movies or even pornographic movies. This is a type of art form which stimulates and triggers different senses. It's just like when people like to watch scary movies, it's the thrill, shock and terror that they like and want to experience. I am a big horror movie bluff and to me the bloodier or gorier, the better. But to each his own. I believe that there should be certain art museums dedicated to this type of art (due to its seemlingly offensive/adult nature) and it should still be funded and considered as art. Society as a whole may label these creations as digusting or violent but whether positive or negatively, it does catch your eye and attention. I believe that is the purpose of this art. Society's basic instinct is to reject but I think the purpose is to say more than oh look that guy is pooping in that girl's mouth.

I remember seeing a picture of a woman, painted completely white and posed/dressed as a statue (similar to the one you see with a naked woman form but no arms). She started off with arms and as the pictures progressed she ripped her own limbs off and ate her flesh. The picture went from being completely white and innocent to blood and guts everywhere. To some it may have been disturbing but I honestly liked it. I could see the art.

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