Monday, February 20, 2012

Beauty in Art

        I have always believed that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  I hold the that the saying that one man's garbage is another man's treasure.  The artist that caught my eye the most would have to be Jules Olitski.  To have a respected painter of his time period to say that he is the greatest painter alive is a great feat.  His paintings are mostly abstract to me becuase I dont know the artist.  Eventhough i cant manke out alot of his paintings they still called out to me.  I googled his paintings and I didnt se alot of the ones in the video.  I guess they still havent gotten to be as popular as his older stuff.  I also liked his comment of "why should the old masters have all the fun", I get it.  Im gonna do me and forget anybody who doesnt like it.  Beauty has always been around us, it just takes a trained eye and mind to bring it forth to those that dont see it. 

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